
The Rise of Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Cet article examine l’utilisation du chiffrement entièrement homomorphe (FHE) en tant qu’outil pour mettre en œuvre des communications privées et confidentielles dans le monde des affaires. FHE est une méthode par laquelle les messages cryptés peuvent être traités sans avoir besoin de les déchiffrer au préalable.

In an era where data privacy is more important than ever, businesses are turning to fully homomorphic encryption to keep their data safe. Fully homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows for the computation of encrypted data without decrypting it first. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses who want to keep their data private but still need to share it with third-party applications. Are you using fully homomorphic encryption in your business? If not, why not?

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